Social events
Thursday 3/10
Within walking distance of the conference venue

Thursday 3/10
Within walking distance of the conference venue

Explore What Lies Beyond
“...Fishermen's Island is a charming joke that resembles a small village, and has a few houses, a few streets, a church, a priest, and some choir children. The nets, which form the wealth of its two hundred inhabitants, hang in front of every door...”
Wednesday 3/10
Opening Ceremony
He was born in Vercelli but travelled around Italy and the world as a founding member and pillar of the Banda Osiris, whose thirty shows he co-wrote. For years a regular guest on television programmes, he boasts direction by famous directors and collaborations with well-known actors and musicians. He is the author of numerous soundtracks for the cinema, winner of the David di Donatello, the Nastro d'Argento and the Silver Bear at the Berlin festival. He is an arranger and producer of theatre and electronic music.
Biagio Bagini
He lives and works in Novara. He is a writer and musician, author of radio programmes and songs for children and adults (first with the group Armando Blu, then with Electric&Domestic and recently with Gian Luigi Carlone of the Banda Osiris). In the field of children's publishing after winning the international Apel-les Mestres award in Barcelona (1995), he has published with the most important publishing houses.

Wednesday 2/10
Welcome Cocktail h 19.00
and musical entertainment with
Andrea Fabiano
Singer, musician and author from Novara with a 30-year career. During this time, he has alternated between concerts, soundtracks for the theatre and compositions for short films and commercials. He has performed on various TV and radio programmes and collaborated with prominent artists and musicians. On 5 June 2020, he released ‘LA TIMIDEZZA DELLE CHIOME’, a self-produced concept album, which he wrote, arranged and performed, inspired by the natural phenomenon of the same name.